Painting Brushstrokes for Beginners | Kids

Painting Brushstrokes for Beginners, spramani elauns classroom with kids making brush marks

As a seasoned painting instructor, I’ve witnessed countless beginners struggle with painting, kids and adults!

Are you ready to make painting with your students a breeze? I’m here to share a fantastic technique that will have your kids creating beautiful brushstrokes in just a few minutes!

Grab your kids, a paintbrush, choose a dark paint color to paint with, and get some paper ready. This exercise focuses on mastering brushstroke movements with the dominant hand.

Let’s start with basic brushstrokes:

Hold the paintbrush as if you’re about to write your name. Depending on the size of the area you’re painting, grip the handle near the bristles for small controlled paint brush marks, in the middle for medium spaces, and midway for larger area brushstrokes.

Resist the temptation to paint right away images. Instead, practice sweeping line brushmarks only. This step is crucial!

For a more in-depth guide on teaching children beginner line brushstrokes, check out my paint curriculum [HERE]. This curriculum has 57 master key lesson line brushstroke lessons I use to teach all my students how to start Beginner kids painting lessons.

how to teach kids basic brushstroke painting lessons, brush mark back marks

Now, let’s talk about what painting lessons are best for beginner students. I’ve taught thousands how to paint, and the key is mastering line brushstrokes.

Yes you heard me correctly!

This exercise involves a repetitive pattern: practice basic brushstrokes before creating images. Don’t rush into painting pictures. Mastering different line brush marks will make your students better painters. This is based on my Science Art Method™ building implicit memory and fine motor movement. You can read about my art teaching method in my books HERE.

Embrace this process! Practice precise brushstroke lines, and soon it will become second nature to paint. Despite the initial repetition, this method works wonders, quickly getting students painting with less frustration.

I have received messages from both early childhood and elementary grade teachers who admitted skipping these crucial lessons initially, only to find themselves circling back later to teach these skills. They expressed extreme satisfaction with this decision, as it significantly aided both them and their students in gaining better control over their academic performance.

Remember, patience and persistence are key. 

Dedicate at least 3 to 6 simple lessons  focused on line brushstroke practice, and watch your students amaze you with their brush mark precision. 

Commit to starting simple, and you’ll lay a strong foundation for your students to advance in painting.

Want to teach brushstrokes with ease?

Check out my brushstroke curriculum and video. Where you and your students can follow along and learn 13 basic line brushstroke movements and so much more! Video is free when you buy painting curriculum digital or paperback.

Painting Brushstrokes for Beginners - curriculum for children, kids

My Painting Resources Here:

BUY NOW – Brushstroke Painting Curriculum

Painting Works Guide Book – For Elementary

Painting Brushstrokes for Beginners, painting work for montessori children guide

BUY Painting Brushstrokes – Paint Materials