How to Teach Art to Preschoolers


How to Teach Art to Preschoolers

As an art expert working with thousands of preschoolers yearly, I’ve gathered beginner tips I know can get you on your way to teaching art if you’re a parent, teacher, or daycare.

What art projects should you teach preschoolers?

The first thing you should understand is what visual arts is for kids, and what you should teach.

In my latest book “Defining Visual Arts” I explain exactly what art literacy means for children, and answer this in full detail in the book.

But, here’s a general list of art making projects preschoolers should explore:




Color Exploration

Clay Modeling

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How to teach preschoolers

The second thing you should know is how preschoolers learn art best.

I use my process based art  teaching method.

I’ve written several blogs describing what process based art means.

Basically, preschoolers should be exploring and discovering art mediums without any expected outcome.

I don’t recommend you teach preschoolers step-by-step instructional lessons to follow.

Keep techniques very simple.

The thing you want to focus on is giving children task for fine-motor skill development.

Art creating helps children get better at hand task, this helps develop muscles both small and large.

Preschool art projects should be fun, easy, safe, and process based.


Art supplies best for preschoolers

You want to be sure you use only safe non-toxic art supplies with little children.

Adult fine artist art supplies are toxic.

Some preschoolers still explore with their mouths, so buy art supplies designed only for children.

Here’s my basic art medium list for preschoolers:

Doodling – crayons, coloring pencils, oil pastels, tempera sticks

Painting – watercolor paints, tempera paints, kids acrylic paint, watercolor crayons, watercolor pencils

Simple crafts – paper, string, sewing, gluing, cutting, taping, beading, cardboard and nature craft making.

Color – mixing primary colors, discovery color mixing

Clay Modeling – earth clay, beeswax clay, Wikki Sticks, plastine clay (non-harden), air harden clay, homemade play dough


Art Language (Elements & Principles of Design)

Very basic art language should be introduced at these ages, use language very casually.

Studying the Elements & Principles of Design should be taught in upper elementary grades:

Line – Straight, curve, zig zag, waves

Shape – Geometric and organic

Form – Solid

Color – Value, contrast, complementary, warm, cool

Texture – 2D & 3D

Child Creativity

Understand children have a natural gift at being creative, and have a great imagination!

You will not be teaching children to be creative, but more guiding exploration and self discovery.

Preschool art projects should be playful.


Spramani Elaun

Process Art Making For Kids

Kids Process Art, How to Teach