Positive Links Between Nature Art Making For Kids

Positive Links Between Nature Art Making For KidsPositive Links Between Nature Art Making For Kids

Free Book Excerpt, Chapter 21

By Spramani Elaun

Over the years developing my earth-friendly art lessons I’ve had amazing observations present themselves.

I was able to observe links between children making art and becoming aware and conscious of their surrounding environment, specifically working with raw natural materials while creating art and craft projects.

Raw materials such as: natural wool, felt, twine, beeswax, natural plant pigments, stones, wood, twigs, natural fibers, handmade paper and other interesting raw materials.

The common link is when children collect natural materials it almost always leads to deep levels of thought and discussions about planet resources, and how things are made or manufactured.

Positive Links Between Nature Art Making For Kids

These thoughts always create awareness about sustainability and current environmental issues.

I’m always pleasantly surprised how these conversations naturally evolve during projects, usually with students in late phase two and always with phase three students.

A child connected to trees, plants, stones and natural fibers from animals will cognitively process thoughts about where materials come from and how they connect to nature. Looking at raw materials in their natural state always makes children curious.

Introducing recycled art projects almost always lead children to become passionate and ready to help save precious resources once they understand the benefits to our planet.

Positive Links Between Nature Art Making For Kids

Children get excited about making changes once they learn the impact our cultures have on natural resources.

Children understand these ideas better when they are directly connected to raw materials from the environment.

I also observed the opposite when children used pre-assembled manufactured art and craft supplies. I noticed children working with a box kit of pre-assembled supplies rarely considered where the materials came from.

They talked less or asked fewer questions about where they came from, who made them, or what resources were used to make them.

Positive links using raw natural or recycled materials leads children to be concerned and more educated on these important matters.

I’ve witnessed children armed with this information help movements to save resources and spread the message in their community, in some cases leading them to start great non-profit causes to help protect precious resources.

Positive links to creating art and craft projects can help make good change!

Teachers and program directors should consider integrating these ideas into their lesson plans.

Nature and art combined are also known for being powerful healing therapy. I have put heavy emphasis on my methodology, lessons and public art project because of these positive links.

Positive Links Between Nature Art Making For Kids

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