Budget-friendly art projects for children

how to teach budget friendly art for kids, children, art teacher advice, rock painting

“How can I give my children art experiences budget-friendly? I have three kids of all different ages, and I know nothing about art myself?”

These are the questions I get regualry in my email box!

So I got to thinking about this question and thought I would share ideas. For the last 20 years, my summers have been filled with sun, paint, and thousands of kids teaching art camp.

First, let’s start with a few questions I want you to answer:

  1. Do you want to learn art along with your child?
  2. Do you want someone else to teach your child art?
  3. Are you open to art activities in your home?
  4. What budget do you have for classes or art supplies?
  5. How often do you want your child to do art?

Once you answer these questions, it should help you make a better decision on the right art activities.

Here are the typical types of art experiences:

  • Art classes
  • Art camp
  • Co-op art
  • Art at home

I’ve taught and participated in all these types of art lessons. So let me give you some general information on all these types of art experiences.

child painting with a paintbrush and canvas, acrylic paint

Art Classes

Art classes are for learning a concentrated subject, like drawing, painting, or pottery. Your child starts with learning the basics. Usually, they will move to intermediate and more challenging art projects. Depending on where you live, these classes can range from $12 – $24.00 a class.

Art Camps

Art camps are designed to keep kids busy all week trying out various art activities. If you homeschool, art camp is a fun way for your child to have summer fun with a large group. Art camps are usually held for a week. Your child typically experiences different types of art projects each day. Depending on where you live, these classes can range from $180 – $360.00.

Budget-friendly Co-op Art

Co-op art is a group of parents with the same interest. These parents share the task of organizing the art topic, materials, and even their home or a location. The expense is usually cheaper because the only expense is art supplies, and it’s shared. Each parent usually volunteers, taking turns teaching. The activity can be on any subject you want to teach, like painting. The materials can range from $5.00 – $8.00 per family.

art camp kids making, clay modeling with  art teacher spramani elaun in bali

Budget-friendly Art at Home

Learning art at home can be at a slower pace. You and your child can decide on what subject they want to learn. You can also take part in learning alongside your child. You can buy an art kit or general art supplies. You can check out books from the library as resources for ideas like watercolor painting. Generally, you will do art at your kitchen table or outdoor spaces. The investment for one subject can range from $25.00 – $65.00. The great thing is you get to keep all the materials and do as many projects as the materials yield.

How do I teach art without being an artist?

If you have no background in teaching art, rest assured you can do this!

I’ve written a blog about this topic here: How to Teach Drawing & Painting Without Knowing How.

I’ve also written a few guidebooks to help you understand visual arts. You can order them here:

How do I teach different ages at the same time?

This question is the most common question I get from homeschooling parents. I recorded this quick video on that topic, giving you my expert advice. You can watch on my Facebook page here: WATCH VIDEO NOW

Host your own Budget-friendly art camp for children

Ever wanted to run your own art camp? Well, in this blog, I share my 7 secrets to hosting an art camp: 7 Secrets to Running a Successful Art Camp

I’d love to hear your feedback!


Spramani Elaun


teach your own child how to draw at home, homeschool art lessons