Why coloring and doodling is great to meditate and relieve stress for adults

Why coloring and doodling is great to meditate and relieve stress for adults books

Why color art therapy is great to meditate and relieve stress for adults

Why coloring and doodling is great Why coloring and doodling is great to meditate and relieve stress for adults

by Spramani Elaun

It’s true adults and seniors who color and doodle can benefit by entering a meditative state which relieves stress.

The whole country is raving about coloring doodling books, and sales are sky rocketing with these books!

Brain scientist and psychologist are weighing in with advice and recommendations.

In recent years scientist have finally been able to prove art making helps cognitive function in areas of the brain.

As a child art expert and art therapist I would like to further explain why art making, coloring or doodling causes a meditative state and actually can relieve stress.

Why coloring and doodling is great for senior and adultsHere’s why!

Why coloring and doodling is great seniors health10623582_10202630274781018_8128149306770127988_oHere’s why

Book Excerpts from Clay Play© 2015 and Nurturing Children in The Visual Arts Naturally© All rights reserved.

Because the action of coloring, doodling, sculpting and painting induces stimulating neural input from most of our sensory senses.

When children and adults starts touching, forming, or modeling, it’s considered active learning.

Making art stimulates tactile input, visual pathways communicate with both left and right hemispheres of the brain, and auditory and smell sensory systems are also collecting information.

Creating causes a high visual-auditory connectivity in the brain.

Strong connectivity occurs and the individual becomes intensely focused on his or her handwork.

Adults and children using their hands can be so engaged that other stress related thoughts clear their minds.

The electrical activity stimulated in the brain becomes a different type of action, firing connections and allowing focus on handwork only.

A calming effect takes place because cognitive creative processing is occurring.

Certain colors can regulate relaxation.

Colors cause different sensations and effects on our emotions – which can promote relaxation.

We also use our retinas to receive electromagnetic frequencies in our brain, which promotes color in our visual perception.

Colour is very important to life.

Coloring and doodling can relieve stress for adults and kids!

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