10 Nature Art Projects for Kids

10 top nature art projects for kids list, what to make with children

 By Spramani Elaun

In this blog post I want to share with you 10 nature art projects that can bridge a child to the natural world which is positive for healthy growth!

And I’m also going to provide 10 of my most favorite Nature Art Projects and some links to some how-to blogs.

Nature is a wonderful spring-board for art making ideas!

One feature about my art classroom is I’m always displaying nature based collections children can get inspired by.

Like leaves, feathers, weeds, seeds, beans, rocks, seashells, seasonal fruit, and flowers.

Nature-based inspiration can be very simple to complex for all ages.

10 Nature Art Projects for Kids

In my book “Nurturing Children in The Visual Arts Naturally” I explain amazing observations I’ve seen when children create art projects from nature.

I was able to observe links between children making art and becoming aware and conscious of their surrounding environment, specifically working with raw natural materials while creating art and craft projects.

The common link is when kids collect natural materials it almost always leads to deep levels of thought and discussions about planet resources, and how things are made or manufactured.

A child connected to trees, plants, stones and natural fibers from animals will cognitively process thoughts about where materials come from and how they connect to nature.

If you would like to learn more about supporting children in the visual arts or more art project making, you can by my paperback book, “Nurturing Children in The Visual Arts Naturally” here.

10 Nature Art Projects for Kids

Here are my favorite top 10 Nature Art Projects for Kids

  1. Outside Nature Journaling
  2. Felting From Natural Wool – Soap and Hot Water
  3. Painting Natural Stones
  4. Painting Natural Sticks or Branches
  5. Leaf Rubbing With Crayons
  6. Paint Natural Leaves
  7. Twig Sculptures with Yarn 
  8. Modeling with natural earth pottery clay
  9. Paint With Natural Veggie Paints
  10. Potato Stamp painting

10 Nature Art Projects for Kids


Children’s Sensory Drawing Lesson – Leaf & Nature

Holiday Craft Making Ideas |Twigs | Sticks | String | Kids Projects


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