Basic Teacher Art Supply List For Crafts & Constructing

Basic Teacher Art Supply List For Crafts & Constructing
Basic Teacher Art Supply List | Crafts & Constructing

By Spramani Elaun

In this blog I’m going to share my basic art supply list for making almost any craft with kids.

Best for K-6.

Many teachers have told me it’s been really helpful to have this list for budgeting or seeing what they already have on hand.

This list is just one of many I have available in my art education books.

This list pretty much sets you up for being prepared to create almost any craft project.

This is not my painting or drawing list, just craft list.

Also included is a list of craft idea you could do with these supplies.

Basic Teacher Art Supply List For Crafts

Free Book Excerpts from Introducing Visual Arts to The Classroom, by Spramani Elaun

All rights reserved ® 2016

Basic Craft Supply List

Glue: white glue, glue sticks or clear craft glue

Glue Gun: low temperature, with supervision

Starch: craft starch for paper products, like paper mache

Tape: masking tape of any color, duct tape, Scotch tape, even clear packing tape is fun to use.

String: natural twine, yarn, white string, ribbon, hemp twine

Rulers: 12” or longer wood, stainless steel, or plastic

Stapler: for kids to use

Scissors: large and small for kids use

Basic Teacher Art Supply List For Crafts & Constructing


Almost anything here can be collected and used to build and construct.

You can also pick some of these items up from any school or craft supply store. Most of these can be collected by recycle around your home.



Construction paper, thick multi colors

Egg Cartons

Paper Mask

Paper Rolls

Cardboard Containers, from tiny to large 

Shoe Boxes., any small box

Packing Envelopes ( save shipping envelopes like FedEx or other thick envelopes)

Folders (filling folders of any color)

Paper Plates

Coffee Filters

Milk Cartons


Popsicle Sticks



Feathers, a variety of color options

Fabric, of any kind

Yarn, a variety of color options

Felt, a variety of color options

Wool, a variety of color options

Pipe Cleaners, a variety of colors

Embellishments, buttons, glitter, or googly eyes

Basic Teacher Art Supply List For Crafts & Constructing, preschool, primary k-6

What can you build or construct with all these items?

Here are just some ideas of what you can make with these items:


Lap Books, on any topic

Music Makers

Bird Feeders

Totem Poles


Basic Teacher Art Supply List For Crafts & Constructing, for classroom


Vegetable and Plant 3-D Models

Miniature Vegetable Garden

Card Board or Diorama, animals, sea animals, and insects

Wind Chimes

Garden Planters

Miniature Cities and Buildings

Cardboard Weaving

Miniature Cars, Trains, Planes, Rockets, or Boats

Miniature Barns

Cardboard Games


Cell Models

Solar System Models

Botany Models

Life Cycle Models, animals, sea animals, and insects

Layers of the Earth Models

Landform Models and Dioramas

3-D Charts and Maps

Ecosystem Dioramas

So in this blog I shared with you my most go to supplies for making crafts with kids and some awesome ideas of what to make with them.

If you need further inspiration check out our Pinterest boards for craft ideas, click here!



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