Kids | Digital Multi-Media Arts & Painting Apps

Digital Multi-Media Arts For Children, art teacher Spramani Elaun

Kids | Digital Multi-Media Arts & Painting Apps

By Spramani Elaun

Digital multi-media arts can provide meaningful creative learning experiences for kids.

Before I became an art teacher for kids, I spent my career as a graphic designer creating artistic digital multi-media products.

I know as an artist the power software and apps have to take my creative ideas to the next level.

Connecting kids to visual arts, plus  digital tools is 21st  century innovation!

Digital multi-media does not replace the principles of learning visual arts, but helps students tap into new tools to communicate artistic ideas in cutting edge ways.


What does digital multi-media art mean?


Digital multi-media artist use hardware and software tools to create art.

Traditional fine artist use tools like pencils, paints, paper, canvases and paintbrushes.

Hardware can be computers, ipads, camera devices, mobile devices, electronic drawing pens, video recorders or scanners.

Software and art apps can be programs that help digitally draw, paint, edit photos and video.

Software or apps can fine-tune color by adjusting value, hue, brightness and saturation of digital artworks or photos.

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If you’re a Instagram user, it’s very similar to what you do before you send off your shared image, you edit your

image to make it more creative looking or enhanced, that is what digital multi-media creating.

Kids today use apps like SnapChat which is already a form if digital multi-media creating with images and  filters.

Digital multi-media artworks can be created without ever loading a palette with paint!

Digital Multi-Media Arts For Children, art teacher Spramani Elaun


Advantages to creating digitally

Correcting mistakes with software is different from mistakes on paper, canvases or other surfaces.

Mistakes can be corrected in layers with ease.

Mistakes can also be undone without original artworks being affected.

Duplicating multiple images of artworks is quick using software.

Saved art can be altered into new versions.

Professional digital artist I interviewed expressed that using software feels limitless.

Many artist including myself use traditional mediums to create original artworks by hand, and then transfer them into digital files for further multi-media effects.

Most computers come standard with a paint or photo editing program.

Even mobile devices have some kind of photo editing abilities.

Get started with digital multi-media easily

If you own a mobile device you can set-up  your kids to make digital multi-media in an instant.

Today there’s amazing free cool art apps, and just under $10.00 and even cheaper!

You can type into your browser Kids Art Apps and just be amazed.

Help kids become artful digitally!

Recommended for ages 3rd grade and up.

Digital Multi-Media Arts For Children, art teacher Spramani Elaun

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Digital Multi-Media Arts For Children, art teacher Spramani Elaun